So I have arrived at the end of 2003.
Before myself is a struggle to find a new job. I felt liberated. I would never imagined that I would have felt so trapped over the last year until I made a decision to leave. I have never questioned whether it was a good decision in the first place. I just thought it was something that I had to do and I did it. I have only been looking out for the jobs which I think are suitable for me and I am thankful for the fact that my friends have been looking out for jobs for me. I think I should be back to work soon if the right opportunity comes along.
I haven't been using the time productively either. Because of my own crazy idea of limiting myself to five bucks a day, I haven't been going out much. There isn't really much to do outside anyway. I could have spent the time reading up to improve myself but I just lazed around everyday. It does get boring after a while. I have read one book so far and watched a few DVDs. Mummy is quite glad that I started tackling some housework on a selective basis. I do feel like an old sack of bones sometimes.
So how do I feel right now?
At ease. The irony is that I feel at ease with all this unassuring aimlessness. I believe there would come a time when pressures would set in and I would have to land some form of employment somehow. I know that the pressure wouldn't come from me because I have been living ever so frugally. I also believe that the reason I feel relaxed is because I have released all the pent up anger, pain and frustration that I have suppressed over the last three years.
"Art is about living, Money is about surviving"
I don't know how long it's going to take for me to land a new job. To gain trust from my folks and to stop them from nagging, I handed in six month's worth of allowance before I left my job.
Personally, I would think that my life on most fronts have been good other than the aspect of employment.
On friends -
I don't think I have made many new friends this year but I guess it's not important. What is important for me in 2003 is that the quality of most of my existing friendships have improved. I think a huge reason is that the people that I have been close to FINALLY accept the fact that I am different from everyone else. To be fair, I have been less intense with people over the year. Perhaps I can really be bothered anymore.
On myself -
My health is deteriorating and I feel quite helpless over it. I discovered that I couldn't ride a bicycle over a distance anymore because my back would be incredibly sore after that. What has this slipped disc condition stolen from me? Loads. First soccer, now bike riding.
I have been happier at myself for most of the time because I have learnt to take things alot more easily as compared to the past. Not that I have been more rational (well, I have always been rational), but I have been less emotional.
Relationships with my folks hasn't improved much. Why is it always so difficult?
Let's hope that 2004 is kinder to all of us.
Before myself is a struggle to find a new job. I felt liberated. I would never imagined that I would have felt so trapped over the last year until I made a decision to leave. I have never questioned whether it was a good decision in the first place. I just thought it was something that I had to do and I did it. I have only been looking out for the jobs which I think are suitable for me and I am thankful for the fact that my friends have been looking out for jobs for me. I think I should be back to work soon if the right opportunity comes along.
I haven't been using the time productively either. Because of my own crazy idea of limiting myself to five bucks a day, I haven't been going out much. There isn't really much to do outside anyway. I could have spent the time reading up to improve myself but I just lazed around everyday. It does get boring after a while. I have read one book so far and watched a few DVDs. Mummy is quite glad that I started tackling some housework on a selective basis. I do feel like an old sack of bones sometimes.
So how do I feel right now?
At ease. The irony is that I feel at ease with all this unassuring aimlessness. I believe there would come a time when pressures would set in and I would have to land some form of employment somehow. I know that the pressure wouldn't come from me because I have been living ever so frugally. I also believe that the reason I feel relaxed is because I have released all the pent up anger, pain and frustration that I have suppressed over the last three years.
"Art is about living, Money is about surviving"
I don't know how long it's going to take for me to land a new job. To gain trust from my folks and to stop them from nagging, I handed in six month's worth of allowance before I left my job.
Personally, I would think that my life on most fronts have been good other than the aspect of employment.
On friends -
I don't think I have made many new friends this year but I guess it's not important. What is important for me in 2003 is that the quality of most of my existing friendships have improved. I think a huge reason is that the people that I have been close to FINALLY accept the fact that I am different from everyone else. To be fair, I have been less intense with people over the year. Perhaps I can really be bothered anymore.
On myself -
My health is deteriorating and I feel quite helpless over it. I discovered that I couldn't ride a bicycle over a distance anymore because my back would be incredibly sore after that. What has this slipped disc condition stolen from me? Loads. First soccer, now bike riding.
I have been happier at myself for most of the time because I have learnt to take things alot more easily as compared to the past. Not that I have been more rational (well, I have always been rational), but I have been less emotional.
Relationships with my folks hasn't improved much. Why is it always so difficult?
Let's hope that 2004 is kinder to all of us.