Monday, March 08, 2004

So I have officially crossed the the three months mark.

I just recounted a conversation which I had with someone about being jobless. I don't know this person very well but I do know that he's quite overworked. At the end of the conversation, I told him that the biggest problem is that we can't really choose having the "acceptable amount of action". It's either no action at all (like the state I am in) and too much action (like him).

So what have I achieved in the last three months? Nothing.

The only good thing is that I managed to flush out all the negative feelings that I harboured over the last three years. All the anger that once consumed me is now gone. I do have this feeling that the world has zipped me by in the last three months and so much have happened while I remained static.

Maybe it's good for me that I had foreseen this so that I would have built up a little nest egg to last me for some time. I can see how if a person who doesn't have saving ended up being retrenched. The state of joblessness could easily have reduced a person in a spineless creature who lacks confidence. And I belong to that five percent statistic now waiting to cross over to the other side.

Wish me luck.